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Two for Protection Page 9
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Page 9
Tad slipped out, moving to the side of her, his arm still around her. Her body curved around Tad’s, Milo cuddling against her back, his arm draped over both of them. Tilting her head up, she met their gazes and smiled. Somewhere in the mix of it all she had falling in love with them, so much that she was willing to give up Texas, the excitement of chasing after the next news story, everything, as long as she could stay with them.
“What has you a million miles away from us?” Milo drew light circles up and down her arm.
“I was just thinking about how much my life is going to change.” She paused, trying to figure out how to convey exactly what she was feeling. “Things that meant so much to me before have lost their meaning. It’s like I see the world through new eyes. Everything is so bright, there are colors that weren’t there before. A quiet evening by the fireplace is now appealing, whereas just last week I couldn’t stand an idle moment.”
“What exactly are you saying?” Tad pressed.
“That what I thought I wanted all these years, a fast paced journalism career, isn’t as important as I thought it was. I don’t want to return to Texas. Not if it means losing you two.”
“No matter where you want to be, there’s no chance of losing us.” Milo kissed the nape of her neck.
“I want to stay in Alaska. I don’t care if it’s right here, the Brown Island, or your compound. Wherever, as long as I have you at my side it will be home.”
“Well…” Milo rose up on an elbow and looked down at them both. “I hope you mean that because my Alpha, Ty, has requested my assistance. I was hoping to convince you to come back to the compound once the weather clears. Your mother will meet us there. I’ll give you as much time as I can, but there’s an urgent matter in Minnesota I must attend to.”
“Urgent matter?” She rolled onto her back so she could see Milo.
“Tabitha has begun to take her place as the Queen of the Tigers. Her first step is to start uniting the tigers as one. In order to do that she needs each clan’s Alpha to accept her as a ruler above them. Ty believes I can get the Minnesota clan’s Alpha, Calvin, to come around since we have a history together. I gave my word that once the blizzard was over I’d make arrangements to fly there and speak with him in person.”
She turned to Tad, sliding her hand down Tad’s chest. “Will you go?”
He smirked. “You don’t think I’d let you out of my sight now, do you?”
“Tad’s our mode of transport anyway.” Milo laughed. “All the Brown brothers have a pilot’s license, so they tend to be our chauffeurs. There are a few others who can fly among my clan, but with the Browns you get a pilot and warrior in one. You don’t have to worry about taking a pilot on a mission who’s going to be collateral damage.”
“You only claimed me as a mate so you would have a personal pilot at your beck and call.” Tad teased Milo.
“You’ve discovered my secret.”
She snuggled against her men, enjoying the easy banter between them. There would be another few days of craziness before things settled down. The visit with her mother would be interesting to say the least.
Oh, how that woman can rub me the wrong way.
There had never been a time they’d gotten along. Her mother might be proud of her as Milo and Tad claimed, but she never said it to Courtney. No, it was always that she could do better if she worked a little harder. The visit promised to be stressful.
* * *
With a string of curses, Milo tossed the phone on the dresser. His damn shoulder injury acting up was a blessing and a curse. It gave him more time with Courtney, but he wasn’t there when his clan needed him. He hated being out of the action, even if he was enjoying other exploits.
“What’s happening?” Tad stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair dripped, sending little rivets down his chest.
“A small group of rogues tried to attack the compound about an hour ago. It’s under control now. I believe they’ve gathered some information from the captured. Taber was shot during the raid. Bethany has healed him, but he’s in no condition to fly, not that I think Kallie would allow him out of her sight right now.” Milo looked at Tad, thinking of how much the Brown family truly risked for his clan. “Adam will be bringing the helicopter, there’s enough of a break in the weather that he’ll be leaving soon. Now we don’t have to worry about the airport reopening, he can land here.”
“My damn family has an attraction to bullets.” Tad growled.
“He’s okay. Just grumpy, but all you bears are grumpy.” Milo did his best to lighten the mood. “I think it’s more Kallie keeping him at the compound than anything else. It was too close of a call for her after everything she’s been through. Those brothers of yours are like her security blanket. She’s been through a lot in her life, you can’t blame her.”
“No, but I can blame Taber for getting himself shot.”
“Who got shot?” Courtney came up behind Tad. Jeans rode low on her hips, a tight tank top stretched tight across her chest and flat stomach. Her long hair was wet and shiny.
“My idiot brother.” Tad slipped his arm out, catching her before she could squeeze past him. He tugged her against his body, dipping his head toward her before Milo cleared his throat to stop them.
“Adam will be here soon, so as much as we’d like to go back to bed and enjoy our new relationship I suggest we don’t.”
“My sweet Milo, always the logical one.” She turned to him, smiling.
“I can’t help it. Plus, your mother arrived and she’s putting up a fit for someone to bring you there or she’s coming after you.” He glanced to Tad. “Your father and Turi are waiting to speak with you before they return to the island.”
“Now why do I have the desire to say ‘yes sir’ when he say things like that?” Tad smirked before letting go of Courtney and crossing the room to the clothes laid out on the bed.
“Someone needs to keep you in line.” Milo adjusted his shoulder holster and slid his gun home. “I need to see to Tate and Hazel. While I’m gone, please do your best to be ready before Adam arrives. We won’t have much time before the second storm hits.” He grabbed his jacket and slid his arm into it as he strolled from the room.
He didn’t want their time at Lisa’s house to end. It would mean he’d have to get back to his duties instead of spending every waking moment wrapped around Courtney’s body. Time away made the heart grow fonder, but it also put his beast on edge. The tiger within wanted everything, his duty, his mate, and as much excitement as possible.
Chapter Twelve
The snow had finally begun to lighten, teasing the residents and making them think the storm had passed. It would be back with a vengeance before nightfall. Not long after Tad, Milo, and Courtney had slipped out through the narrow window of time.
“It seems as though I’m losing another son to the tigers.” Devon sighed.
“You’re not loosing any of us. Taber and Thorben have spent more time on the island than at the compound, so don’t give me that, Dad. Milo has some things to attend to at the moment, but as soon as it’s over I’ll bring them to meet Mom and the others.” Tad hated the thought of returning to the island, and showing off his mates when it inevitably meant Aunt Bev would have to attend the family gathering.
“Seems you also put the fear into Turi that he and Trey are next. He’s been adamant that he’s not sharing a mate with his twin, no matter the costs.”
“Dad, you know as well as I do that when he finds his mate it won’t matter if he has to share her with Trey or not. Nothing will keep them apart.” Tad looked out the window, watching as Tate and Turi marked a spot for Adam to land the helicopter. “Are you sure you don’t want to return to the compound and have Galan or Bethany heal your wound?”
“I’m fine. It’s healing on it’s own, and it’s not serious enough to bother the healers.” Devon rubbed a hand over the wound. “If you need us to come with you for whatever Milo needs to accomplis
h, we can. Trey can manage the sleuth for a short time.”
“Thanks. I really do appreciate it, but things are under control. You’re the Alpha, you need to be there in case any problems should arise. Plus, Milo has me. What more could he ask for?” Tad joked.
“You’re both lucky to have each other, not to mention Courtney. She’s a real gem. Ava’s going to love her. Another daughter finally coming into the family. She’s going to start pestering soon about grandbabies.”
“Dad!” He shook his head, unable to believe his father. “We’ve just mated. Give Courtney time to adjust to shifters and our lifestyle. Maybe you should start bugging Taber and Thorben, they’re the oldest. They have the responsibility to give you grandchildren first.”
“Then when you bring Courtney to meet your mother I suggest Taber, Thorben, and Kallie come as well. We can make it one big family visit if Theodore can tear himself from the compound too.”
His family was unbelievably insane, and their timing was often questionable, but he wouldn’t change them for the world. Having a tiger as a mate, Tad had the challenge of getting Milo to accept that the Brown family was part of the deal.
Tiger bonds with their family were limited. Most tiger shifter offspring ended up leaving the clan they grew up in, searching for another one to make their name in. Separating families, across the country. They didn’t have the loyalty to a family that their human counterparts did. The loyalty was only to their mate. Parents and siblings were a different category altogether for shifters. Siblings normally remained close despite distance, but parents seemed to drift farther. Most believed it came from their beast; it was how they were in the wild.
When a tiger shifter mated with a human, it was different still because in most cases the family would never know about the ability to shift, or the dangers that shifters had to face. Human families were cut out. Bears shifters were always close, and poor Milo was about to find out the hard way just how close. He was about to be thrown into Brown family drama head first, and soon they would see if he would sink or swim. If he sank, the other Browns would see him as weak, something Tad would never stand for.
“Son…” Devon laid a hand on Tad’s shoulder.
“Sorry, what?”
“You were a million miles away, thinking about your mates I presume. Mating is a powerful thing, something that can get an excellent warrior killed if he’s preoccupied.”
“Nothing like that. I was thinking that we each have something to overcome for this mating to work. At least Jeffery is behind us now.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and gazed out the window, his thoughts troubling him.
“What has to be overcome for you and Milo?” His father had never been one to beat around the bush. If he wanted to know something, no matter how personal, he asked—especially when it came to his sons.
“Milo has to prove himself by bringing Calvin, the Minnesota Alpha, on board. I highly doubt that it’s going to be an easy challenge no matter how much history the two have. Shifters are set in their ways and most are not willing to accept change easily.” If he was honest with himself, he was concerned what they were walking into when they made the journey to Minnesota. Their trio was just getting on their feet, feeling their way through this mating blindly. To have a challenge that could be so disastrous right at the beginning made things tense. It would be the first time the three had to work together for a common cause, combining each other’s strengths and hiding their weaknesses.
“Milo is a great warrior, and an excellent political member of the clan. Ty wouldn’t send him if he wasn’t completely confident in him. Having you and Courtney with him won’t hurt things either,” Devon reassured him. “Now what is it that you’ll have to overcome?”
“You, the whole family.” He laughed. It sounded so ridiculous now. “Milo’s not used to things as we have them. A tiger’s devotion is only with his mate. Parents and siblings aren’t important, but that matters to me. I can’t help but wonder if it will cause tension between us.”
“Milo cares more about family than you think.” Devon didn’t explain, but pulled his hand away. “Look at Kallie, she’s a tigress and has accepted our family with open paws. Give Milo a chance and I know he’ll surprise you.”
Ava and Kallie spoke on the phone nearly everyday. For a tigress that had been kept a prisoner, locked in her animal form, she had made a remarkable transformation since mating with his older brothers.
“I’ll keep my fingers crossed, but I doubt Milo’s going to have the same bond that Kallie has formed.”
“What about me?” Milo’s voice came from behind them.
“I’ll take that as my cue. Turi and I will be on our way.” Devon gave Tad a nod. “Remember what I said.”
“Safe travels.” Milo held out his hand to Devon.
He nodded and shook Milo’s hand. “Welcome to the family, look out for my boy.”
Once Devon was gone, Milo wandered over to the window. “I was checking my text messages. So what did I miss?”
“I was telling Dad about the trip to Minnesota.” It wasn’t exactly lying, though it was a little too close for Tad’s comfort when it came to his mates.
With a deep breath, Tad decided it was best to get it out in the open. “I’m concerned that you’re going to be uncomfortable when it comes to my family. They can be a little overwhelming, especially to someone who’s not used to dealing with families.”
“It’s not like I have no idea what I’m getting into. I’ve been to the island, family dinners with everyone. I’ve worked with all of you on missions. I know your family. Nothing’s going to be different just because we’re mated with Courtney.”
“If you believe that, you’re in for more of an awakening than I thought.” Tad chuckled. “Being family, they will be in your business more than ever. Mom might be the worst, but hell, Dad was just asking when they were going to get grandchildren. Trust me, things are going to be different, they are going to be unbearable. Maybe grandchildren will calm them.”
Milo slipped his hand into Tad’s. “Things will be fine. Though I have to say I’m not sure how Courtney’s going to feel about producing a child as quickly as Ava might like. She still has a lot to adjust to.”
“I’m fine with that. I’d prefer to enjoy my mates for a bit longer before there’s children brought into the picture. When it happens, it happens. Let’s allow things to go naturally for now. If she makes us fathers before we begin trying, then wonderful, if not we can have a lot of fun attempting it down the road.” Tad gently caressed Milo’s hand. “Anything important in the messages?”
“Yes, Quinn knows that Jeffery has been taken care of. He is less than pleased. He needs to deal with the former accomplice they had an arrangement with, but will be flying to meet with Courtney soon.”
Tad nodded. “I figured he’d be angry that a career making case fell apart before he could claim credit for taking Jeffery off the streets.”
“Hey everyone, your savior is here! I’ve come to get you out of this nasty weather. Come sing your praises to me,” Adam hollered as he came through the front door.
Milo shook his head, smiling. “Adam, you’re so full of yourself since you’ve found Robin.”
“Just wait until you spent a few months with your mates, always at your beg and call, telling you how amazing you are. You’ll be just as cocky. Now let’s get this show on the road.”
“I’ll get Courtney, and then we’ll be ready. How about you make yourself useful and take the bags to the helicopter,” Milo suggested, before strolling down the hallway to where their mate was resting.
“Where is she? I thought she’d be stuck to you two like glue.”
“She’s laying down, she had a rough night,” Tad explained.
“Aww, keeping her busy in the bedroom?” Adam grabbed the bags from the table and turned on his heels.
“There’s more to mating than just sex,” Tad called after him before he wa
s able to close the door.
“The sex is one of the best parts, though.” Courtney smirked at him with Milo just a step behind her. “Maybe we could stay here a few days longer and…” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
“I’d like to but Ty nearly had to restrain your mother up to keep her at the compound.” Tad made his way to her.
“In a few days we’ll be in Minnesota and I promise we’ll make time to show you just how much we cherish you. With every inch of your body, we’ll show just how much you mean to us.” Milo brought the hand he was holding to his lips. “But first you must see your mother.”
“Speaking of Minnesota, while you were resting we made reservations at a nice hotel in downtown. We thought being off Calvin’s land would allow us time without the constant eyes watching us, where we don’t have to worry about anything but pleasing you.” Part of Tad was looking forward to the trip. He was excited to get his mates alone again.
“That won’t make things hard for you, Milo?”
“No, I’ll still be able to deal with Calvin. Hopefully it won’t take too long, but if I know him as well as I think I do, he’s holding out to get something for himself. Now come on, Adam’s waiting and your mother’s probably driving Ty insane by now.”
Tipping his head back, Tad let out a deep laugh. “I’d say so. I’ve received more text messages than I care to count from her already, and we haven’t even taken flight.”
“I don’t understand her.” She slipped her hand into Tad’s, holding both of them. “She’s acting as if we’re close. It’s been weeks since we’ve spoken, and even when we do it’s always quick and we don’t discuss anything important. Our relationship is basically nonexistent.”
“Your mother loves you, and has missed you. She talks about you all the time. I don’t know what drew you two apart, but maybe this is the opportunity you need to rekindle the relationship,” Tad suggested, before pulling her toward the door.