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Until Sydney: A Tanner Cycle Novel Page 8
Until Sydney: A Tanner Cycle Novel Read online
Page 8
“It’s been a long few days. We’re both tired. Come upstairs with me.”
Every fiber of his body wanted to say yes to her but he knew it wasn’t that easy. “Syd, you need to think about this. Seriously think.”
“I just want you to hold me while I sleep. We could both use a good night’s sleep. Please, Coal. I want to feel your body against mine and block out everything else.”
Relenting, he nodded. “Let’s go upstairs. We’ll face everything else in the morning, together.”
He realized as they rose from the sofa, hand in hand, and headed toward the loft bedroom, he wasn’t willing to give her up if they had a chance. She wanted him and he wanted her; the rest was just details. They had the odds stacked against them, but so had he after his parents were killed. Rather than crack under the pressure, the experience had made him work that much harder to make sure they made it through. They could do it together.
Thoughts ran through his head as he wondered how his brothers would take the news that he was in love with Sydney. The disappointment in Cyrus’s face when Coal had told him earlier Sydney was off limits crossed his mind. He’d be disappointed he didn’t have a chance with her, but other than that, Coal figured the rest of them would take it well. He knew Jay wouldn’t be happy with it but since he was looking at a long prison sentence, it didn’t really matter what he thought.
He had convinced himself they could overcome one problem but as they walked past the entry way, he caught sight of their reflection in the mirror. This reminded him there was still another problem that might not be overcome as quickly. While she’d said she wanted a husband and kids, he wasn’t convinced she was ready for all of that. She was eighteen years old, with her whole life ahead of her—college or just partying with friends—and he had ten years on her. He was too old to spend his nights partying and he didn’t want to be the cause of tying her down with a family she didn’t want. Hell, even if he didn’t want children of his own, he still felt responsible for his brothers, even if they were all legal adults now.
There are so many things I can’t give her that someone her own age could. She deserves so much better than me. I come with too much baggage.
A week passed with Coal and Sydney working side by side in his office and falling to sleep cuddled in bed together. They had been unable to work out a deal with the drug dealers Jay owed money to but as of yet, they’d had no issues with them. Cay’s research determined that the police were working on closing in on the dealers. If they ended up behind bars, it would eliminate one problem—and thanks to a tip Cay had stumbled upon, it was looking like the police would be getting to them within forty-eight hours.
After turning down the plea bargain, first degree murder charges had been added to Jay’s extensive list of indictments. Syd had taken the news better than he thought and had stuck by her original comment, refusing to allow him to hire a good attorney for her brother. He wouldn’t have done it for his friendship with Jay but for her he’d do anything in his power to make her happy.
“Hello, Tanner Cycles. How can I help you?”
Her sweet voice drifted toward him, pulling him out of his thoughts, making him look over at her. She sat behind his desk, still working her way thought the piles of paperwork. The once cluttered surface was now clean. She had worked every day, making a dent in the backlog and now only a small stack remained. By the end of the day, there was no doubt she’d have that taken care of as well.
“Yes, sir. Actually, I just received an update. The part Cal was searching for has been found. We’ve sent someone to retrieve it this morning. Once we have it here, your motorcycle should be complete within two days. I can have Cal give you a call this afternoon if you’d like to speak with him.”
He sat his laptop on the sofa next to him and leaned forward, listening carefully to how she handled Hawk Applegate. So far she seemed to be handling the call on her own but she was just learning their business and if he needed to take over the conversation, he wanted to be ready. Hawk was one of their steady customers. He owned a bike shop in South Dakota. Occasionally, he’d pick up bikes on the cheap and had them restore it for his shop; other times he was just looking for something special to showcase. His place was in the center of a biker town, and he kept a window especially for Tanner Cycles, always putting one of their bikes on display. This worked out for both of them and there was little delay in one of the motorcycles selling.
“Yes, sir. I understand, I’ll have him call you once it’s complete with shipping details. Thank you.”
A grin stretched across his face as she wrapped up the call. She was becoming a valuable part of this team. With her help around the office, he was able to focus on some of the tasks that he’d neglected. The best part was, he’d had time to search out two older bikes that they’d restore, as well as work on a couple of custom designs for bikes they’d build. That had always been the highlight of his work. He only dealt with the accountant side of things because he had to. He was too much of a control freak to hand it off to just anyone. He needed to trust them, as he trusted Syd.
“What are you grinning about?” Her gaze was on him as she slid the phone back into the cradle.
“Hawk Applegate is a valued customer. We have an arrangement with him that often brings the shop custom jobs. You handled him well.” He realized he’d never let anyone handle Hawk before. Previous assistants knew that when Hawk called, he was to be transferred to Coal’s office immediately.
“Maybe I’ve finally found my calling.” She shot him a playful grin and tucked a stand of her hair behind her ear. “Now I thought you were working.”
“Forget work.” He rose off the sofa to come to stand next to her. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her up against him. “Go get ready. We’re going to have a night on the town and a romantic dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in Minneapolis.”
“Are you sure it’s safe?”
“Don’t worry, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’ll always keep you safe. Now go get ready.”
She nodded and he let her slip out of his grip to go upstairs. The moment she was gone, he cursed himself for thinking they could work. That somehow their friendship would find a way to make a relationship work. She was too good for him but that didn’t stop him from wanting her. “What the fuck am I doing?”
“I thought you weren’t going to doubt us.”
He turned to find Syd leaning against the doorframe. “I thought you were getting ready.”
“I started upstairs when I heard you curse and I knew you were having doubts. Coal, I want this. I want us. We can make this work.”
“It won’t be easy.” He dragged his hand over his face. Maybe it wouldn’t be as hard as it could be, especially with Jay facing the prison sentence that he was, but they’d still have their battles. He wasn’t yet completely sure how his brothers would take the news.
She wandered over to him, her body brushing against the front of his as she interlaced their fingers. “The best things in life are worth fighting for.”
“So young. So innocent. I wish I still had your faith.” He leaned down, their foreheads touching, and their gazes locked on each other. “You make me want to throw caution to the wind and tell everyone to fuck off.”
“Then do it,” she urged. “But please, Coal, you can’t keep pulling me close and then pushing me away. I can’t take that. Not again, not from you. If you don’t want this, tell me. I’m a big girl. It will hurt but I can handle it. What I can’t handle is this push and pull.”
“You have no idea how much I want you. But it’s not that easy. My brothers…the company…your family—”
“Fuck my family.”
A deep, uncontrollable laughter vibrated through him. To hear her drop the F word sent him back years ago. “Do you remember the first time you said fuck?”
“Momma was so livid, she almost skinned me alive. Tim and Jay got in trouble because of it. Little did she know, I’d actually picked it
up from you. Tim and Jay were too careful not to say it around the house, they knew Dad would gut them where they stood if he heard them swear. Dad swore like a trucker but he wouldn’t allow his boys to pick up his bad habits.”
“That’s when I knew I was spending too much time around you. Eighteen with my first motorcycle, I thought I was a tough guy with an attitude. Until I realized it wasn’t what life was about. Family, that’s what’s important.”
“You were always there for your family, and for me, too. You were always the one constant in my life, the one person I could always rely on.” She stepped back and gave his hand a gentle tug. “Come up with me.”
“Go on, baby. I’m going to speak with Cay and then I’ll be up.” He took his hands out of hers and hooked his arm around her waist, tugging her back against his body. “You feel right here, like you were always meant to be.” He pressed his lips to hers, quick but enough to make his cock harden instantly.
Images of pushing her back onto the desk and fucking her until she screamed his name flashed before his eyes but that wasn’t how he wanted their first time to be. Shit, when did I decide I was going to fuck her? She’s going to be the death of me.
“Go on, I’ll be up in a few minutes.” He needed a few minutes away from her if they were going to make it to dinner. He stepped back and pressed the intercom button allowing his brothers to hear him down in the workshop. “Cay, can you come up here for a minute?”
When he let go of the button, she rose up onto her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. “Don’t be too long.”
“I won’t, baby.” He’d make the conversation with his brother quick so he could get back to her. Alone and away from the constant reminder of his commitments to his family and the business, they could spend time just being together, without the interruptions or stress. Two people, hopeful lovers, with their lives ahead of them. Fuck! She’s turning me into a romantic.
Chapter Eight
It was nearly midnight when Sydney and Coal made it back to his place and she still didn’t want the evening to end. They made it to the living room before she spun around to face him. Taking his tie into her hand, she tugged him closer. “Coal…”
“Yeah, baby?” He slid his hands around, running them up her back.
“I want you.” She tried to stop the butterflies from circling her stomach but they only intensified as he stared down at her. “I’m tired of waiting. I want more than just you sleeping next to me. I want you to make love to me.”
“There’s no going back from this.” Even as he spoke, he found the dress’ zipper between her shoulder blades and teased it down, one notch at a time. “You have to be sure this is what you want, Sydney. Once I’ve buried my cock between your legs, I’m never going to get enough of you. I’ll want you to scream my name every night; hell, multiple times a day. I’ll want you in my life, always.”
“It’s what I’ve always wanted.” She loosened the knot in his tie as the urge to get him naked burned within her. “You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted. I want you by my side every day and cuddled against me every night. I want to have your children. But most of all, I want you. I love you, Coal Tanner.”
“My sweet Syd. I’ve always loved you. First as a little sister, then as a friend, and now for the woman you’ve become. You’ve always been remarkable, but now you’re amazing. I love you, Sydney.” With that, he pulled the zipper the rest of the way down, allowing her dress to slip off her shoulders.
She dropped her arms to her side, letting the thin material slide down her body, to pool around her ankles. Standing before him in only her bra and panties, a surge of excitement rushed through her. This was what she wanted and now that it was happening, she was having a hard time believing it. Her Coal…the only man she wanted. What had once been a young girl’s crush had developed into something more. She loved him. He was her protector, her best friend, and now her lover. Maybe one day, he’d be her husband. A six-year-old’s wish might finally come true.
Looking up at him, their gazes met, and she traced her fingers along the crisp red dress shirt he’d worn for their dinner out. “Let’s go upstairs.”
“That might be the best idea of the night.” He scooped her into his arms and headed for the stairs. “Tonight, on our way back, when we were standing on the hill overlooking the town of Davenport, I wanted to strip your clothes off you and make love to you under the stars.”
“Why didn’t you?” She hooked her arm around his neck as he climbed the stairs.
“You deserve better than a quick fuck on the overlook. Tonight, baby, I’m going to show you.”
“Then, tomorrow, we’ll make love on your rooftop terrace with the stars shining down on us.” She tenderly brushed fingertips along the curve of his cheek. “I’ve always wanted to make love under the stars.”
“Then we will, baby.” He laid her on the bed and stepped back before she could stop him.
“Come back here.”
He shook his head and took another step back before unbuttoning his shirt. “Just be patient and I’ll give you what you need.” In a blink of an eye, he stripped out of his clothes to stand naked as the day he was born.
Wanting to take in the sight of his amazing body better, she rose up onto her elbows. She ached to run her hand along his chest, to feel every chiseled aspect of his toned body and to explore the dark ink that permanently marked his skin. When he stepped toward her, she reached out and touched the curve of his shoulder. In the dim light, she could make out a sun and moon merged together with his parents’ initials in it. “It’s beautiful and so fitting. Your mom always said that she and your dad were like the sun and the moon.”
Almost like reflex, his hand went to the tattoo, gently brushing against hers. “Their differences somehow balanced each other out. She was hotheaded with a temper and a tongue borrowed from Satan himself. Dad was very relaxed and avoided confrontation at any cost. Their differences made them stronger. They had a happy marriage and I never saw them argue.”
“I always hoped that one day I’d have what they had. I want a husband who looks at me the way your dad looked at your mom.”
“Oh baby, it’s good you’ve been too busy in the office and haven’t caught me looking over at you.” He reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and stripped it from her in one clean move. “Now enough about my tattoos and the past. Tonight is about you…us.”
“Us…” The word came out as a whisper but she hadn’t meant for it to be said aloud at all.
If he’d heard her, he didn’t comment. He sat down on the bed next to her, his arms wrapped around her waist, then kissed her, a long, slow deliberate kiss that gave and demanded. He cupped her breasts and teased her nipples, gently swirling his thumb against the hard buds and then pinching them. Pain mingled with pleasure and she arched into his body. He abandoned her mouth and kissed her neck, nibbling down her jawline to her shoulder. Slowly, he teased kisses down her chest until he came to her breast and flicked his tongue over her hardened nipple. The pleasure forced a moan from deep within her as she arched toward him. It felt as if every nerve ending in her body was alight with desire; the simplest touches fanned the burning desire within her. Looking up at her, he sucked the nipple into his mouth, allowing his teeth to run along either side, before he let the hardened bud to slip from his lips.
“I love how your body responds to me.” He slid into bed next to her as he teased along the curve of her other hip, coming to the hem of her black panties. “These have got to go.”
In one quick wiggle, she rose up just enough to slip off the thin material before tossing them off the bed. “Naked never felt so freeing.” His gaze traveled over her body, taking all of her in. Nervous, she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Don’t, baby.” He took hold of her hands, placing them at her sides. “Don’t cover yourself. You’re beautiful. Every single inch of you.”
As if to prove what he meant, he trailed his hand down her body and between her thighs. Th
e caresses of his fingers had her spreading her legs, and her breath caught in her chest. He explored up her inner thigh, ever so slowly, until he could slip his finger between her folds, quickly finding her center and working deep within her. She moaned as he worked a second finger into her. In and out, quicker with every pump. As her climax approached, he slowed, until he stopped altogether.
Even as she wiggled against him, wanting more, he took his time. Easing his way back up the length of her body, he blazed a trail of kisses across her stomach, stroking his fingertips along the curves of her sides. With every touch, she arched her hips into him, demanding more. Yearning coursed through her; she could wait no longer for him to claim her. Her mind lingered in a sexual haze, needing him now.
“Not yet, baby.”
“Please, Coal…” she moaned, arching toward him.
“Soon, baby.” He pressed his lips to her neck, dragging his teeth along the smooth skin before leaning back. “Answer me honestly. Are you a virgin?”
She shook her head, letting him know that she wasn’t, while she tried to keep the memories of the time she’d lost her virginity out of her thoughts. It had been one time, with someone she wanted to care for because he was a good guy and loved her, but she couldn’t. Every aspect of him she’d compared to Coal. In the end it hadn’t been enough for him to be second fiddle to the memory of a man she’d never had but always loved.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me.” She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair. “I want you, rough, full of heat, until we’re both out of breath.”
“Well, Syd, why don’t you set the pace?” He rolled off her and onto his back next to her.
“Giving a woman control…I didn’t expect that.”
“Don’t get too used to it. I like to be the one in charge but tonight is all about you. Are you up for the challenge?” Grinning at her, he put his arms behind his head and waited.
Not wasting a moment, she straddled his hips and wrapped her hand around his shaft. Gliding caresses up and down the hard length, she teased his erection harder. He groaned and reached up to caress her breasts. Heat coiled between her thighs and her sex clenched.