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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances Read online
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“My realtor, Trudy, showed me a few places,” she mumbled, her head against his chest. “One of them was the condo next to Lucky’s. I thought I wanted a house, but this place had everything I wanted and more. The views are good considering it’s not right on the beach, but the roof top deck is amazing. If I want it, I’ll have to make an offer soon.”
“Lucky says the place is quiet most of the time. I think he’s the only bachelor living there. Don’t let his bitching about that confuse you, he loves it. Everyone takes such good care of him. I don’t think he’s ever had to cook a meal. Someone is always bringing him something, checking on his place while he’s deployed. He’s got it too good there, it’s almost like living with Mom, but with more freedom.”
“Your mom taught both of you how to cook. Why’s he letting others do so much for him?”
“Cooking for one loses its appeal quickly. He repays the favor either with his delicious desserts, or by doing something else for them.” He chuckled to himself at the life his little brother was living. Carefree and fun was the best way to describe it.
“I remember those desserts he used to make. If he still has that same sweet tooth, I’m surprised he’s in such good shape. I don’t think he has an ounce of fat on him.”
“It’s his training. He might have it easier than me, but he still works off those sweets.” He tried to laugh it off, knowing that Lucky was in just as much danger as he was on some missions. He might be deployed less frequently, but the Marines were still the first ones to a battle.
Not wanting to remind her just how dangerous his career was, he teased his fingers along the curve of her shoulder and changed the subject. “Maybe you should hold off putting an offer on a house.”
“What?” She tipped her head back to look up at him.
“There’s no reason you can’t stay here.” He kept his fingers moving over her shoulder, hiding his worry that she’d reject the idea. “I can deal with the shit in the guest room and it could be set up as a nursery. More importantly it will keep you close.”
“That’s too quick.” She tensed under his touch. “Plus I have stuff in storage waiting for me to find a place.”
“Just hold off until I’m back from this training.”
“Why is it so important to you?”
“In my career, time is limited. I want to spend every opportunity I can with you, to show you what you mean to me.” When she said nothing, he added, “The training will only be seven days. That’s nothing when you’re thinking about the purchase of a house.”
“Okay. Unless the perfect place comes on the market, I’ll hold off putting a bid in.”
“Thank you.” A ding from the cell phone in his pocket reminded him the guys were probably wondering where he was. He didn’t care, he had everything he wanted right here. Tomorrow he’d smooth things over with the guys, but for tonight he was going to enjoy every moment he could with Gwen in his arms.
Keeping his arm around her body, he held her close and tried not to think what the morning would bring for them. Exhaustion ate at every part of him, but that wasn’t uncommon for him. Instead of sleeping he wanted the moment to last, as if he was worried tomorrow he’d wake up and it would all be a dream.
Chapter Eight
There was a certain comfort to sitting across from her while she worked, as Ace went through the mail that had piled up while he was away. It was as if it was always meant to be this way—he and Gwen, together.
The ringing of the doorbell distracted him. “I’ll get it.” He rose from the table. Then I’ll kill whoever is ruining my peaceful moment.
Ready to decapitate whoever was at the door, he pulled it open. Leaning against the porch pillar was Boom. They might have been best friends, but he wasn’t completely thrilled to see him. It wasn’t just the fact that he had interrupted a quiet day with Gwen. Wherever he went, things had a tendency to erupt. He was the team’s demolition expert but when he arrived things had a tendency to explode around him, landmines and everything else that got in his way, and he walked away unharmed every time.
“What happened to you last night?” Boom narrowed his eyes, his big arms crossed over his barrel chest.
Ace stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind him; the last thing he wanted was Boom exploding the already delicate situation with Gwen. “I stayed in, not that you were going to be there anyway. Why are you up before sunset?”
“The guys called, seems Rebel got himself into it with a drunk in the parking lot. Our little medic almost ended up in jail.”
“Why can’t they go out and not cause any problems?” Ace mumbled.
“You remember what it was like.”
“Yeah, I remember, but we got the shit kicked out of us for it.” He didn’t want to think about all the times they had to put in an extra training session because they blew off a little too much steam for their commanding officer to overlook. “Does Mac know?”
“Oh, yeah. He’ll ride Rebel hard when we head off for our refresher.”
Refresher? What a nice way of putting this shitty training mission. The higher ups ordered Mac and the other COs to conduct an advanced close quarter combat training, after one of the other SEAL teams got jammed up.
“Ace?” He turned to see Gwen peeking out the door. He hadn’t even heard it open. “Wynn’s on the phone for you.”
“Could you tell her I’ll call her back?”
“So that’s why you didn’t go out last night.” Boom smirked when Gwen closed the door. “Who’s she?”
“Gwen… Gwyneth London. You remember her from school?”
“No way…” Boom stepped closer to the window, trying to peer in. “She looks so different…and pregnant. What she doing here?”
“It’s a long story, but she’s going to be staying here for a bit.” Ace didn’t want to get into all the details with Boom, especially since he didn’t know where he stood with Gwen.
“Oh man.” Boom returned to his spot against the pillar. “Please tell me you aren’t getting involved with her.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Dude, she’s pregnant.” Boom stated it as if that made some kind of difference.
“I can see that. How do you know it’s not my child?” The words escaped Ace’s lips before he had time to think about it, and he realized he wished it was true.
“You mean besides the fact we’ve been gone over six months? You couldn’t hold something like this from me. We’ve been best friends since third grade. I know you, and you don’t need to get involved with an instant family. Man, you don’t have to go around saving everyone. Think of yourself for a minute and not about the damsel in distress. Have you stopped to think that maybe she came to you because she knew you’d help her?”
“Boom…” Ace took a deep breath and kept his hands to himself instead of wrapping them around his friend’s neck. “We’ve been friends for a long time, which is why I’m going to let you leave now without killing you.”
“You’re not thinking…”
“No man, you’re not thinking. You know nothing about the situation.” Ace gritted his teeth, angry that his friend thought so little of Gwen.
“Then tell me. Tell me I’m wrong, and I won’t say another word.”
“You’re wrong. Her mother passed away while we were deployed and she’s moving back into town. Wynn told her she could stay here while she was house searching since it was empty. Now I’ve got to call Wynn, and get ready for a family obligation.”
Boom pushed off the pillar and strolled down the steps before turning back to Ace. “If you think that’s all there is to it, you’re fooling yourself. I saw how she looked at you. There’s love in her eyes…stronger than when we were teenagers. Don’t think you’ll be able to walk away from her like you did before. This time there’ll be a child involved and you’re too kindhearted for that.”
“I’m not walking away this time.” Ace growled, his voice edged with anger.
at proves my point. You think you can save her.”
Ace shook his head. “It’s not about saving anyone. I love her.”
“What about your career? You said before it wasn’t fair to her. You couldn’t have her and the SEALs. Are you willing to give up being a SEAL?”
“I made a mistake before, there’s no reason I can’t have both. She never asked me to choose. That was my mistake, one I plan to make up for now.”
“A family deserves more than we can give them.” With that, Boom turned on his heels and walked back to his truck.
Ace stood there for a long moment wondering if Boom had a point. Then he shook his head and opened the door. It didn’t matter what branch of the military, everyone deserved a chance at happiness and a family, and he wasn’t about to miss his opportunity. If he was sure of only one thing, it was that he wouldn’t get a second chance. There was only now.
Chapter Nine
The seventy-two hours that Ace had on leave flew by in the blink of an eye for Gwen. She’d had all this time with him before he left and now they were down to the last hours. She leaned against the dresser while he added the last remaining items to his duffle bag.
“I can feel you drilling holes into my back.” He closed up the bag and turned to her. “It’s going to be different this time, I swear. Seven days will go quick and I’ll be back here holding you tight. Wynn and Lucky are just a phone call away if you need anything.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been taking care of myself for years.” She forced herself to smile and not think of the last time they were in this predicament.
“I’d never doubt it for a moment. I just want you to know you’re not alone.” He came to her, slipping his arm around her waist.
“Do you need a ride? Maybe I can make you something to eat before you go?”
“Shh, love.” He ran the knuckle of his index finger down her cheek and over her chin. “I’ll drive myself and leave my truck on base.”
“Food?” She wanted something to do, anything to relieve the unease within her.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
“Shouldn’t you…be leaving?”
“I have time.” He slipped his hand into hers. “Come with me, there’s a place I want to show you.”
“Where are we going?” She let him lead her down the steps and through the house. It wasn’t until they were out the back door that she paused. It was the first time she had been out back and nothing had changed. The flagstone patio dominated the back of the house, leading to the pool and hot tub on one side, while the other side was set up for outdoor entertaining. Ace’s father designed a perfect outdoor kitchen that fit both his and his wife’s needs, allowing for a large grill and plenty of space. Off to the side a flagstone path led down to the creek that backed the property. It was the place where they’d first met.
She balked. “Ace…”
“Every deployment I’ve gone on, there’s one thing I always do before I leave. Do you remember why I go down by the creek?” When she didn’t answer, he spoke it aloud as if she had forgotten. “It’s where we first met. Your friend Madison lived in the house on the other side of the creek. Wynn, Lucky, and I were down there playing…”
“I remember.” She nodded. “It was just after I moved here.”
“You, Madison, and Wynn were inseparable after that day.” He brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “I’ve never been able to get you off my mind since.”
“It’s also where we spent many afternoons before you left.” The memories poured forth, bringing back all the good times she had with the whole Diamond family.
“It’s the place of many firsts for us. The first time we met, our first kiss, the first time I told you I loved you.”
“I don’t think we should…” She paused and glanced toward the path again. “It could ruin a spot that means a lot to both of us.”
“It won’t. I told you I’m coming back to you, not even a herd of wild elephants could keep me away from you. Having you join me on the walk will add another first.”
“What do you mean?” She raised an eyebrow in question.
“It will be the first time you’ve seen me off on military duty. Another first for us and one of many I hope.”
She nodded. If she was going to trust things would be different this time, she had to make them different. Ace might have been the one to end things, but he wasn’t the only one to blame. She could have tried harder to get in touch with him, to convince him they could make things work. Growing up in a military family, she knew firsthand that military life was tough, and there was no doubt in her mind that SEAL life was harder, but Ace was worth it.
Ace leaned against one of the command vehicles while they waited for Lieutenant Mac García to finish dressing down one of the newest team members, Petty Officer Cannon Bailey. From the look of Cannon when he arrived, he’d been out late partying and overslept. The Lieutenant was already going to ride them hard during the training for the scene at the bar the other night, and Cannon’s lateness was going to make things worse. Even knowing the next week might resemble hell week all over again, Ace didn’t care…he could only think about getting back to Gwen.
Damn, that woman had him all turned around with need and desire. Fantasies of getting her naked haunted him day and night. The only thing that had kept it from happening was promising they’d take things slow. After this mission, she’d trust him more and he could get her into his bed.
“How’s your instant family?” Boom leaned against the vehicle, watching the other men load the final things onto the plane.
“Don’t call Gwen that.” Ace glared at Boom and tried to keep from hitting his best friend.
“Man, you left her for a reason. Why are you setting both of you up to get hurt? She deserves better than that.”
“I was young and stupid.” He was still upset after the last time they had this conversation and didn’t want to get into it again with Boom. “I’m not going to screw this up.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Just drop it, Boom, this has nothing to do with you.” Ace’s anger was starting to seep into his voice. He was tired of Boom’s attitude, and he was sick of the instant family comment. The only thing that stopped him from saying more was García strolling toward them.
Time to get this going…
Chapter Ten
With a deep sigh, Gwen tossed her purse and keys on the table. The first appointment with her new OBGYN had gone well. Her baby girl was healthy and developing right on schedule. In less than five months, she’d have a child to make a life for. So it was now or never for her and Ace to work things out. If he screwed up this time, that was it.
With her feet killing her, she strolled around the living room to the sofa and plopped down. Kicking off her heels, she leaned back against the soft throw pillows and longed for a nap. The flashing of the answering machine caught her attention.
Maybe it’s Ace. She leaned forward and pressed the glowing red light. Instantly, Ace’s voice filled the room.
“I’ve only got a minute but I remembered you mentioning your appointment was today. Hope everything went great and you can tell me about it soon.” Something in the background of the call made Ace pause before continuing. “Don’t wait up. It will be late tomorrow when I get back. I miss you.”
Just that brief message served to lighten her heart, knowing he was safe. It made her long for him to be with her, to have him share in the moment of her pregnancy, even though it wasn’t his child. Finally, she understood how her mother felt anytime there was word from her father, even if it was only a message or a letter. Her dad had missed so many important moments in her life, including most of her parents’ anniversaries, and still their family stayed strong, even though the times were tough. Her mom always said military families were made stronger, or else they wouldn’t get through it.
The front door creaked open behind her. With no doubt in her mind who i
t was, she didn’t bother to turn around.
“Gwen, you back?” Wynn called out, stepping into the foyer.
“In here.”
Wynn sauntered in as if she was hot off a catwalk, always so put together and ready to take on the world. Owning a fashionable boutique—Roll of the Diamond—just off the boardwalk, she had to flaunt her designs. It was perfect for Wynn because she wouldn’t be caught dead in jeans and a T-shirt.
How the two of them became inseparable was beyond Gwen. They couldn’t have been more different. Where Wynn was a girly girl, Gwen was slightly tomboyish, and preferred her jeans rather than slacks or dresses.
“I brought Pete’s Pizza.” Wynn sat the box down on the coffee table, and pulled two bottles of water from a bag. “Have you heard from Ace?”
“Today, he’ll be home tomorrow late night.” Gwen leaned forward and opened the pizza box, revealing the delicious square slices. The squares were thick like pan pizza but crispy and light, and each one could have its own toppings. It was her favorite pizza place and one she’d missed when she moved away.
“Normally he’s not able to call much, so it’s nice he was able to this time,” Wynn said.
“He called the day he left too.” She grabbed a slice before leaning back against the sofa, and took a bite. “I know it’s not always like this, and there will be times he’s gone for a lot longer where I won’t hear from him, but it was nice he called.”
“I only mentioned it because I want you to understand what you are getting yourself and your daughter into. Is Ace really the man you want?”
“Oh, Wynn.” Suddenly disgusted by the pizza, she tossed it back into the box.