Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances Read online

Page 17

  I put my arm around Marisa to calm her. “It’s okay. Kenneth was just leaving. Weren’t you Kenneth?” If the guy doesn’t get the fuck out of here, I’m throwing a punch.

  Kenneth stands. “Yeah, I’m leaving. You two kids have fun.” He gives me a sly smile before he walks off. I don’t smile back.

  “Brody, I’m sorry about that.”

  “It’s fine, babe.”

  “Are we really moving?”

  “If I have to worry about that guy, we will.”

  “Honey! You don’t have to worry about him.”

  “You two split up, but you still talk to each other. Is he out of your life, or not?”

  “Oh, Brody! Come on! Of course, he’s out of my life, and besides, I haven’t spoken to him in years.”

  “Then we don’t need to talk about him anymore, do we?”

  She gives me a hug. “No, of course, we don’t!”

  “Great! I’m going to get us some more beers, okay?”

  “Yes, that sounds perfect!


  I’m standing in the kitchen, processing what happened yesterday. Brody isn’t here. He’s in the other room. If he were in this kitchen with me, he’d wonder why I’m standing here staring into space.

  The reason I’m standing here staring into space is because I did something I shouldn’t have. Kenneth and I have spoken to each other after we split up. However, except for yesterday, it’s been years since we last talked. But Kenneth texted me this afternoon, and I have to admit, I texted him back. Brody wasn’t there when I did it. If he had been, he’d be super pissed off about it, especially since I told him Kenneth is out of my life.

  Anyway, when Kenneth texted me, he asked me if I wanted to get together for lunch sometime. I didn’t say “no.” I said “maybe.” But I know I should have said “no.” I hate that Kenneth was so obnoxious with Brody back at the bar yesterday, but I can’t hide the fact that it was exciting for me to see him again.

  Why do I feel this way? First of all, let me be clear. There are many things about Brody that attracted me to him right away. I hate to admit it, but Kenneth is like 20 years older than me. Brody, however, is only 27, the same age as me.

  Kenneth is good-looking for his age, I can’t deny that, but Brody is hot. He’s so handsome with his boyish features. Plus, he’s super kind to me. He takes care of me better than any man I’ve ever known. That’s why when he told me he was an army soldier, it wasn’t a deal breaker. I know how the life of an army man’s wife can be, but knowing about it wasn’t enough for me to stop dating him.

  After my breakup with Kenneth, I just wanted to get out of town. I spent some time living with my mom, but that was horrible. My mom and I fought all the time. Then Brody came along, and we fell in love right away. In fact, we got married only nine months after I met him.

  I’ve always dreamed of a big wedding, with lots of people in attendance. I’ve always wanted a gorgeous wedding dress and a big diamond wedding ring. But that’s not what I got.

  I moved with Brody to this base shortly after he asked me to marry him. He gave me a simple engagement ring with just a tiny diamond, and I bought a simple white dress from a store. There were only about 40 people at our wedding. It was no big deal at all.

  But just being with Brody is what I should be focusing on, right? Not the fact he’s not rich, and I didn’t get my fancy wedding or any of that stuff. But now, Brody is about to leave, for one year. Yes, it was something I knew was coming before I married him. But now that his departure date is close, I feel horrible. Not only am I worried for Brody, I’m sad for myself.

  What kind of military wife would leave her husband when he is deployed? Only a horrible one would leave him, that’s who. I can’t do that.

  Brody puts his hands on my shoulders. I didn’t even hear him come in. I turn to look at him. “You are so beautiful,” he says. “I’m so glad you’re my wife.”

  I smile. “I’m so glad you’re my husband. I’m sorry about Kenneth.” Why did I say that? I don’t want Brody to know I’m thinking about him.

  “I thought I told you, I don’t want to talk about him anymore! Didn’t I tell you that?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Good, then get over it, okay?”

  “I will. Okay.”

  He pulls me close, and he kisses me on the lips. “All I want to do is take you to bed,” he says.

  “That’s fine by me!” I follow Brody to our bedroom. It’s afternoon, and sex in the afternoon is something we have a lot.

  Gently, he places me on our bed and stands over me. Brody may look boyish and innocent, but he makes love to me better than any man has ever done, including Kenneth. That’s another thing I love about my husband.

  He removes his tank revealing his muscles and taught abs. Brody has always taken pride in his body. While I’m good for skipping the gym as often as I can get away with, Brody never misses a workout.

  He leans over me on all fours and kisses my forehead, moving to my nose and landing on my eager lips. He kisses me full and hard. His hand is on my breast easing to the space between my legs.

  His hand slips under my skirt and into my underwear. All I need is his touch to make me get excited. Soon, he fondles my pussy. Yes, by now I’m wet.

  He whispers into my ear, “You are so beautiful.”

  I don’t know if I’m beautiful or not, but Brody makes me feel like I am.


  The next afternoon, I’m in my car in the grocery store parking lot, staring at my phone. There’s a text from Kenneth. The text has been on my phone for the past three hours.

  “Give me a call. Let’s do lunch.”

  If I tell Kenneth not to call or text me anymore, he’ll stop, right? But do I want him to stop? If I wanted him to stop, I wouldn’t be questioning myself.

  I call Kenneth. I shouldn’t, but I’m doing it.


  “Hey, Kenneth. You sent me a text about lunch.”

  “Yeah, what do you say? Are you free today?”

  “You shouldn’t contact me anymore. Brody wouldn’t appreciate your texts.”

  “Okay, but do you appreciate them?”

  I sigh. “You’re not making this easy for me.”

  “I’m sorry, Marisa. But think about it, there’s no reason why we can’t meet for lunch as friends.”

  “You broke up with me, Kenneth, remember? You broke my heart. I moved out-of-state because of you.”

  “And I apologized about that, didn’t I? I thought we were past that. Besides, you’re happily married now, aren’t you? The past is in the past.”

  Kenneth knows exactly what to say to push my buttons. Right now, he’s left me speechless. I don’t know what to say.

  “Meet me for lunch. It’s my treat.”

  After a long silence, I respond. “Okay, fine, when?”

  “How about now?”

  I laugh. “I can’t do it now. Thursday, I can do it Thursday.”



  “I’ll take you to Chop House. How’s that?”

  “Why so fancy, Kenneth? I thought you said lunch?”

  “Yeah, lunch. Why can’t I treat you?”

  I sigh. “Fine, what time?”

  “How’s 12:30? I’ll meet you out front.”

  “Fine, I’ll see you Thursday in front of Chop House at 12:30.”

  After I hang up with Kenneth, there are butterflies in my stomach. But this is just an innocent lunch, nothing more.

  I don’t work outside the home. It’s not like I don’t want to, but I was a massage therapist before, and unless I start my own practice, there aren’t many opportunities for what I do out here. I tell you, I wish I had my own practice. Then maybe I’d be too busy for Kenneth.

  When Brody is working on the base, he never has any idea what I do for lunch. So there’s no need for me to explain things to him about my lunch date today.

  I went and got my eyebro
ws done and my nails done. I want to look good for Kenneth, even though this is nothing. I don’t know why, I just do. Maybe I want to remind him of what he gave up. I don’t know. Sometimes, I don’t know why I do what I do.

  I park my car in the Chop House parking lot. Brody treated me to dinner here once, and it was super busy. We had to wait an hour for a table. But today, it’s not crowded on a Thursday for lunch. I approach the restaurant and Kenneth is standing there in a suit and tie. He looks good in a suit. I can’t lie.

  He gives me a kiss on my cheek. “What a gorgeous day, and you look amazing!”

  I smile. “Thanks.” I wore my black dress, the one that makes me look the slimmest.

  We’re seated at one of Chop House’s big, cozy red leather booths. Kenneth takes a sip of his beer. “Why did you and I break up?”

  I laugh. “Are you serious now? We didn’t break up. You broke up with me. I gave you everything you wanted, but you couldn’t handle it.”

  Kenneth nods his head. “I know . . . well . . . it may please you to know that breaking up with you was the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”

  I grin and take a sip of my wine. After what Kenneth did to me, hearing him say what he said is gratifying. “Sure, it pleases me.”

  “A military wife, huh? That’s what you are now, huh?”

  “Yes, that’s what I am.”

  “Do you think you can handle it? Being here all by yourself for a year?” Kenneth puts his hand on mine. I pull it away.

  “I can manage. Please, stop it.”

  Kenneth looks me in the eyes. “Why are you here with me?”

  I laugh again, but I don’t find this funny. “What is the matter with you? You know why I’m here. You asked me to lunch. I said ‘yes’. I thought it would be good to spend some time with you, just as friends. However, I’m beginning to regret my decision. Was this a mistake?”

  “No, not at all. We’re friends, but your husband is a lucky guy.”

  “No, I’m the lucky one. I should treat him better than I do.” I look at my lap. I feel horrible right now. I shouldn’t be here. I look at Kenneth. “You know, we shouldn’t do this again. We were lovers once, and that will always be there.”

  “You’re here because you want to be here, Marisa. Forcing yourself to feel any other way is not natural.”

  I lean back against the booth. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means instead of lunch, we should meet for dinner next.” Kenneth smiles. I know that smile.

  I stand and throw my napkin on the table. “You have some nerve!”

  “Hey! Hold on.”

  “This was a mistake. I should never have come here. Goodbye.” I grab my purse, leave the booth and head for the restaurant’s door. I wish I had enough money in my wallet to pay for my dinner, but Kenneth and I both know that’s not the case. I was broke when he met me, and I’m broke now.

  The best thing for me to do is to simply get out of here and get back to my husband where I belong. And when I get home, I’m blocking Kenneth from calling or texting. Brody doesn’t deserve this, and I’m going to make it stop.


  Janie opens the door and gives me a wide smile. “It’s good to see you, Marisa. Thanks for coming.” She takes the gift-wrapped package from my hands. “You’re so sweet! Thank you.” She hugs me tight. Her baby bump presses against my stomach.

  “My pleasure, thanks for inviting me.” I’ve been looking forward to this baby shower. Janie is a relatively new friend. I’ve only known her for about six months since Brody and I moved to the base, but I like her a lot. One of Brody’s friends introduced us. She’s not an army wife, but we got along like a house on fire anyway.

  To be honest, I’m thankful Janie isn’t an army wife. From what I can tell, and no matter how much I try to avoid it, army wives’ conversations always turn to the worries and loneliness experienced during deployments. Brody is about to leave, and I’m just not ready to face it. It’s good to talk about something else.

  “Come on through and meet everyone.” I follow Janie through the airy entrance hallway, taking everything in. The only houses I’ve been in since moving to this city are the ones on the army base, all perfect replicas of each other apart from the inside décor.

  I enter a large family room, crammed full of excited women of varying ages. Janie claps her hands, instantly gaining everyone’s attention. She’s a redhead –vivacious and warm-hearted with a smile a mile wide. She is short and curvy in all the right places; her growing bump only enhances her appearance, making her radiant.

  “Everyone, this is Marisa. She’s new in town so be gentle with her!” Several of the girls laugh good-naturedly. “Marisa, let me run through everyone.”

  I feel a little self-conscious standing here while Janie rattles off a list of names I’m never going to remember. It’s almost like being the new kid in school. But I nod and smile, and I do recognize a couple of the faces.

  With the introductions over, I glance around and spot a table that has been set up in a corner for the gifts. Janie adds mine to the huge pile. I sure hope it’s good enough.

  Judging by this house and the outfits and jewelry on display, many of these women have some serious funds at their disposal – far more than Brody’s salary, I’m sure. I find a seat on the end of a sumptuous, cream leather sofa and half listen to the chatter as I take in my surroundings in more detail.

  The room is decorated in neutral tones, maximizing the light from the double bay windows. The carpet is thick and plush beneath my feet. The sofas and matching armchairs look and feel like the finest, softest, Italian leather and the rest of the furniture is chic and modern. Everything is just stunning. Maybe later, Janie will give us a tour.

  “Whew, I need to sit for a second. I swear my ankles are swelling more each day.” Janie plops herself on the arm of the sofa next to me. She rubs her bump affectionately. “This little one’s going to cause me some serious issues before he or she makes an appearance.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be worth it,” I say. “You don’t know the sex?”

  “No, Phil and I decided we’d rather it be a surprise. We don’t mind either way. We’re hoping it’s the first of at least three so the odds are we’ll have a mixture eventually.”

  “It must be so exciting.”

  “It is! We can hardly wait. Now, since I’ve had my rest, what can I get you to drink? Some of the girls are on champagne. Just because I can’t drink doesn’t mean I should say no one else can have any fun!”

  I smile. “Why don’t I get it? You carry on resting.”

  “Would you? That’d be great. I don’t want to complain, but my back hurts and my ankles are throbbing. The kitchen is down the hall to the right. There’s plenty of food too, so help yourself if you’re hungry.”

  “No problem. Can I get you anything?”

  “A water would be great. The ice machine’s full. Just hunt around until you find everything, make yourself at home. I really appreciate a moment off my feet.”

  As I wander down the hall, I realize I’ve inadvertently given myself the perfect opportunity to see more of the house. I peek into the rooms on the way, not wishing to pry but fascinated by their size and beautiful décor. I pass a home office, a television room, and a large guest bathroom. When I push open the partly opened door to the master bedroom suite, I pull the door back and quickly step away. Looking in there is probably going too far, but from what I saw, the room is amazing.

  I enter the kitchen and find it as beautiful as I expected. It just makes me think of my compact, functional pathetic little kitchen back home. Opening and closing cupboards until I find the glasses, I proceed to prepare the drinks. I glance at the spread laid out on the center island. It doesn’t look as if a catering firm has delivered it. It all looks homemade. Janie didn’t ask for people to bring a dish to this. So it’s possible Janie prepared all this stuff herself. Talk about the perfect wife.

  My thoughts turn to my failed
lunch with Kenneth a few days ago. If I had married him, I would have all this too. I know I would. I’d have the perfect house, be the perfect wife, the perfect hostess, and I’d possibly be a mother too.

  As it is, motherhood isn’t an option right now. I can’t even imagine going through Brody’s tour alone, never mind while pregnant. Will there ever be a time when I’m not too scared to take that step knowing Brody won’t always be around?

  I’ve got to shake these thoughts out of my head. Having everything wouldn’t make me happy if I wasn’t with the man I love.

  Except, you did love Kenneth, Marisa.

  Enough of this! I have to stop thinking like this. I take the drinks and head back to where the ladies are.

  Everyone is playing baby-themed games to set the mood for the gift opening later. I’ve managed to relax and enjoy myself during all the game playing. Now the front door is opening and a tall, dark-haired man, dressed in a business suit, walks into the room. It’s Phil, Janie’s husband.

  “Sorry to interrupt, ladies,” he says, walking straight over to where Janie sits in a dining chair front and center with a pile of gifts at her feet. “Hi, Sweetheart.”

  He places a hand on the back of her head, bending to kiss her on the top of it. She looks up at him adoringly, her wide smile at full beam. He gives her another kiss on her lips and places a hand on her rounded belly.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, but I forgot a flash drive I need for an important presentation. It must be baby brain kicking in.”

  Janie laughs. “That isn’t supposed to happen until after the birth, dummy.”

  Janie’s husband grins. “Well, I must have early onset. It’s no wonder when all I can think of is my girl and her precious cargo. I’d better go, though, don’t overdo it, okay?”

  “I won’t, everyone’s taking care of me. I’m being spoiled rotten. We’ve received the most adorable gifts from everyone!”

  Phil flashes a winning smile around the room. “Thank you, everyone. I can’t wait to see them all tonight.”